
Is this my last chance? Really, truly?

Fail:  Creative   
I commented before on Money Magazine’s double use of the same Last Chance creative. I received two more that were different from the original, but the same as each other. Here is one of the two:

The package also included a reply mail envelope
The Fail here is again for Creative by claiming this is the Final Notice, twice and after mailing two other packages also marked ‘Final Notice.’  Rather than building upon the prior contacts, the overuse of too much urgency makes each one less responsive.  One alternative would be to include the sequence in the creative.  For example, the second notice could have been marked 'Second Notice' and the third mailer could have been marked 'URGENT.  Third notice', which would both lead to the true 'Final Notice'.

Learning:  In a multi-touch contact strategy, coordinate your sequence of messages to make each one stand out and be believable.


AT&T repeats it's Fail ... and gets worse

Fail: CreativeList 

This piece from AT&T arrived in my mailbox 2 days ago. It is similar to another AT&T mailer I evaluated in October. Albeit 3 months apart, AT&T considers it a remail -- it references the prior communication in the post-it note Johnson Box.  Personally, I doubt the typical recipient remembers an offer letter from that long ago.

In addition to meriting the same Fails for burying the call to action and response, lack of focus on benefits, selling multiple services in one letter, using a landing page that leads with an offer different from the one in the letter, this letter gets Fail for

• Lack of personalization. The post-it note on the upper left is signed from ‘Kelly’, my AT&T Service Rep, but the letter is signed by the impersonal monolithic “AT&T Customer Service”.  The October letter was signed by someone important in the organization.  At the very least, Kelly's signature should be included.

• Not having any P.S. at all. In lieu of one of the most tried and true successful direct mail letter techniques is an in-language reference.

Both letters merit an additional Fail for the in-language reference, because I provided my preferences to AT&T, so “Kelly” should know my preferred language is English and leverage it's own in-house data.  (As I write this, the in-language link does not even work.)

Learnings: Personalize a personal communication. Use the customer-provided language indicator in your own database. Be sure all URLs are fully functional before mailing a letter.


Put a contract out on this local junk mail

Fail: Creative, Timing 

An article in today’s Wall Street Journal describes how small businesses Firms Hold Fast to Snail Mail Marketing. Many businesses jumped into the online world and recognized that it was not the most efficient use of their marketing dollar. “The idea is to send something that’s more appealing than “junk” mail and potentially more noticeable than an email message, says Eric Anderson, a professor of marketing at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. That allows business owners ‘to offer a personal touch the larger firms may not be able to have,’ he says.” In other words, if you are a small business, look and act like a small business.

Which leads into one reason why this solo mail package I received from a local contractor merits a Fail. Rather than a small business, the appearance of the letter suggests a formality of a corporation. Some copy is written in a manner suggesting that the customer is a barrier, i.e. boldfacing the limited times for estimates. Other issues:
  • My name is incorrect. A file ID number appears rather than “Marc”.
  • Too much boldface makes it difficult for the reader to get the basic points. Some of the boldface copy, such as services performed, is too small to read.
  • Signature is not real.
  • Letter tone is bureaucratic, not promotional.
  • Unclear how to respond. The call to action is buried in body copy. There are two phone numbers at the top of the letter in minuscule type, making the customer have to work to figure out how to get an estimate. There is an e-mail address, however it appears they only want phone calls.
  • Overuse of passive verbs.
  • Inside the envelope is a long list of homes he worked on.  However the list is not mentioned in the letter and says simply "References". 
  • No P.S. People often look at the P.S. before the rest of the letter.
What Mr. Briggs should do is humanize his communication, sound friendly, and clearly communicate services and benefits in the letter. Here is a mock-up of the same basic messages, using successful direct mail methods.

Normally, a Johnson Box would help the letter.  However in this case, it would make the letter feel less personal.  And there is not a special offer to call out.  Mr. Briggs could further humanize the letter with a picture of him and his crew or family in the letter (or at least on his web site), perhaps where the Johnson Box would normally appear.  He could also spruce up the letterhead so it does not look like something from a law firm. 

Mr. Briggs could include an offer that would stand out -- perhaps a low-value gift card with the estimate, a guarantee of completion time, discount if work if ordered within 30 days, or even an iPod shuffle when payment is received.

The outer envelope return address could simply be his name rather than the business name and the formal “INC”.  Keep in mind that homeowners are hiring his people, not a corporation.

The second Fail is for timing ... the letter arrived too close to New Years.  Promotional mail that arrives too close to a holiday is read less often because people returning from vacation are focusing on the most vital mail, such as bills.  The mail would be read more if it arrived Jan 5 or later.

Learnings: If your small business sends a mass mailing, don’t let it look like junk mail. Be unique.  Do not overuse boldface. Keep the tone friendly, active, and persuasive. If you have an insert, call it out in your base letter.  Make your call to action easy to find and repeat it.  Include a P.S. whenever practical.  Do not mail into a holiday weekend.


Will your mail Fail in 2010? Warning signs that it could

When you hear any of these phrases while planning direct mail, there should be a voice in your head yelling “Danger”:

  • “We don’t need an incentive or specific call to action because the product sells itself.”
  • “It doesn’t matter when we mail because the offer is compelling.”
  • List segmentation is for the birds.”
  • “The people who didn’t respond to our solicitation the (3rd, 6th, 22nd) time didn’t read the mail. Let’s hit them a (4th, 7th, 23rd) time with a different envelope and they’ll respond.”
  • “Our customer base will buy anything we sell.”
  • "The brand is more important than the sales proposition."
  • “If everyone opted in to e-mail, why should we segment the list?”
  • “No reason why we can’t send even more offers to our opt-in list. After all, they did opt for it.”
  • “All customers are the same.”
  • "We can easily improve response rates by doubling our customer incentives."
  • "Self mailers are never effective."
  • Loyalty and retention are the same thing.”
  • "Ignore customers who complain – they are cranks and just want a freebie.”
  • "We don't need a proofreader."
  • "The more flash, the greater the response."
  • “Carpet bombing is economical because the cost per piece is low.”
  • “No one reads paper mail any more.”
  • “All e-mail is spam and no one will read it.”
  • “We used a moving applicance in our television ad. So we must include the same moving applicance on our outer envelopes.”
  • “Our direct mail should have nothing to do with our television advertising.”
  • “Let’s treat everyone like our most valuable customer because eventually they will be.” 
  • “A respond-by date is too pushy.”
  • "Our web site is unique, so there is no benefit in aligning our online benefits messaging with our mail."
  • “If the husband and wife are both on our customer list, let’s just mail to the male.”
  • “We deduped the list 6 months ago. That’s recent enough.”
  • “The Control package worked well last year, so there’s no point in testing this year.”
 Think things though ... and have a happy and successful new year.


Platinum shouldn’t smear or tear

Fail: Creative 

This 4-page closed face match mailing is similar to long-form direct mail solo packages used by American Express before the credit boom & bust. More recently, it was an offer to upgrade to the Platinum Card.

Conceptually, the creative style matches the American Express brand positioning – high end but not pretentious. This might have a basis on Control packages from the 1980’s for the basic Green Card. Each paragraph of the letter has a bold one sentence lead-in summarizing the paragraph below, with summary in the left column that is more tightly worded. This makes the letter scanable for easy understanding of product features and benefits. A prospective customer can learn details of the relevant benefits by reading the full length paragraphs. But make no mistake – this is a sales letter, complete with a signature and classic promotional Postscript.

So what is the ‘Fail’ here? The mini-brochure in the address area of the letter arrived torn, and the first page of the letter had vertical ink stains. This makes the presentation less compelling, especially when asking a consumer to forego $450 a year on your product.

From a production standpoint, closed face match mailings are more expensive to produce and require a high level of quality assurance compared to a direct mail package with a window envelope. After all, you wouldn’t want to open an envelope addressed to “Marc Davis” with salutation of “Dear Margerie Smith:” But quality assurance should not stop with matching the letter to the envelope – it includes all aspects of production at the lettershop.

Learning: Be sure the quality of production is as good as the rest of the effort put into your direct mail.

In addition, consider the hours you would have inbound telemarketing agents available relative to the product sales proposition. The response form mentions that salespeople are not available at off-peak times. Ironically, it appears just above a call-out for 24/7 Concierge Service. It may be cost-efficient in a vacuum, but does not having any salespeople available for customers on Sunday properly reflect the product or brand?


Does your old mailer have to look old?

Fail: Creative  

This self-mailer arrived in the mailbox of a 69 year old man in Nevada. We’ll call him Bob. Bob and his wife enjoy bowling, traveling, and hiking in the mountains. He works out at the gym every day. But he does not go ballroom dancing – no, dancing is for old people.  It was something Bob’s father did at Century Village in Florida. In fact, he doesn’t know of a place to go ballroom dancing anywhere in his city, nor does he have any friends who dress up to go dancing. (However, he does know of a few people his age that like to hit the disco or go to a Rolling Stones concert.)

So when the self-mailer arrived in his mailbox, Bob didn’t bother opening it. The picture on the outside did not resemble his lifestyle, so why bother reading the words? Had Bob opened the mailer, he would have seen a picture of someone old enough to be his mother.
The mailer appears to be directed at anyone in the Medicare age group, e.g. 65 or older. From a mailer’s point of view, it is easier to have one creative than several. But why use a visual that would deter a sizeable portion of the target market? Instead, the Health Plan of Nevada should have used a better picture, no picture at all, or consider segmenting the list by age.

Learning: Define and understand your target market when choosing pictures and visuals. Choose a visual that relates to the customer, or avoid one altogether.


Is the US Postal Service an eagle or turtle? Regardless, mail early.

Fail: Timing  

CostCo sends coupon self-mailers every 3 to 5 weeks. In my personal experiences, they consistently arrive in my mailbox about a week before the coupons are effective.  In fact, I occasionally see customers trying to use coupons at the store before they are valid.

So when the coupon mailer with coupons valid December 3-20 arrives in my mailbox on December 7, something is clearly wrong.  It means that CostCo missed a weekend of high-volume Christmas shopping by either mailing late or allowing the USPS to deliver slower than usual.  The address panel even has a request “Postmaster, please deliver between Nov. 28 and Dec. 1, 2009.”

I can only guess what happened, and my guess is that the US Postal Service is delivering standard rate mail slower than usual because of the holiday volume of packages, priority mail, and first class mail.  Regardless of why the mail is late, late delivery is a Fail.

Learning: Prepare for the holiday season and compensate for prolonged delivery times by mailing early.


Can’t save money that isn’t there

Fails: List, Timing   

The person receiving this letter had a 401-k account through his employer administered by Fidelity. A few weeks after he left the job, he moved the 401-k balance to a Rollover IRA with a discount broker. That took place a full month before this letter arrived from Fidelity.

Creatively, the message is on target. The outer envelope teaser cites information in the letter.  Interior lettercopy takes the tone of a consultative and informative soft-sell with a call to action to speak to a Fidelity Representative to help the customer.

However, the “Vested Balance” remaining when the letter was produced was zero, which is why the balance listed on the upper-left corner is “Unavailable”. So there was no point to Fidelity sending the letter – the customer made his decision. In this case, never is better than late.

If Fidelity is ensuring customers keep their money there after employment ends, a letter like this should mail when still relevant to the customer, e.g. 2 weeks after the key event – not 2 months. When preparing production, customers with no balance left in their 401-k should be dropped from the mailing.

Learnings: When sending an event-based letter, time the mail to arrive when relevant to the customer. Before sending a mailing, include a step to drop from the mailing list customers where the message is no longer applicable.

Is Late Better than Never?

Fail: Timing  

You’re a Marketing Manager working on the next campaign when you get that call from Production. “There’s a problem,” the production manager says, trying to sound as neutral as possible. The paper for your mass mailing didn’t arrive at the printer. The printer’s press went down. There was a freak snowstorm at the lettershop. Or something else totally random that will set your mail drop back a few days. There is no slack time left in your execution schedule because the creative agency didn’t listen to your instructions – for three rounds. You know your production specialists and vendors are doing everything they can, but that still leaves you with a choice: mail late, or abort.

Perhaps these two mailers were in this situation and chose to go ahead with the mailing. After all, much of the preparation costs are already sunk so the incremental cost is not much more than postage. Some response is better than none, right? It’s also possible that everything mailed on time but the US Postal Service delivered your mail even slower than anticipated. Still, these two mailings get a fail for arriving after Thanksgiving.

The Nutcracker plays 11/27 through 12/27, so arriving in home on 12/3 isn’t so bad. There are still 3 weeks of shows remaining.

A Thanksgiving donation message that arrives after Thanksgiving is late. This solicitation from Three Square arrived in the recipient’s mailbox on 11/29. By that time, it should have had a Christmas theme.

The letter even has a date of ‘October 2009’.

Learnings: Plan ahead for production delays. Mail on time, even a bit early. If you cannot mail on time, consider when it’s appropriate to cut your losses and not mail.


An Insecure Mailing

Fails: List, Offer, Creative, Timing  

This ADT new customer solicitation fails on several levels:

List: The recipient currently has ADT Home Security at his home for over 5 years.

Offer: The letter touts a Wireless Remote Control at a $99 value that is ABSOLUTELY FREE*. The asterisk on the back references a $99 installation charge. It also does not match the insert.

Creative: No personalization. The opening reads ATTENTION: HOMEOWNERS in both underline and bold blue, an overkill. It refers to homeowners in the plural but is mailed to the owner of only one home at a time.

The sub-head says “You have been selected to receive …” If there was a selection, the letter would have been personalized. The text is passive and in the past tense. A better creative would read, “You are selected to receive.” Or, better yet, ditch the format and use a letter approach that feels personal and believable.

The letter copy wastes space with phrases such as “… as an added benefit …”.  Just describe the benefit.

The use of numbers is inconsistent and there are typos. Sometimes the value or fee is $99.00, sometimes $99. There is generally little value in using cents on something of whole dollar value. There is no value doing it differently on one page.  An example of a typo is "post mark", which should be one word.  (Let's not forget that the envelope uses a postal permit so it doesn't even have a postmark.)

There is a call-out box about smoke dedectors next to the vital box with the call to action.  The monitored smoke dedector is an up-sell and should be left to the inbound telemarketing agent after the customer expresses an interest in the primary service being sold.  As a mention on the letter, the call-out box is a visual distraction from closing the sale and therefore a waste of space.

The insert looks like something out of ValPak, because it was in a recent ValPak mailer.

Timing: This is a low-interest category arriving the in the mail box between the Harry & David and Land’s End Holiday catalogs. At this time of year, people will toss the solo mail and open the catalogs.

It really is a shame when mail like this arrives in home. It means that an independent dealer is wasting precious money. When it comes to timing of direct mail for home security, the best time to reach out is when someone is moving into a new home. One of the most successful ADT salespeople in the local area checks for home closings at the county clerk office daily. He sends a simple postcard to the recently purchased house in that day’s mail. He knows that new home owners have cash flow issues, so he offers no payments for 60 days. This salesman admits the creative is lousy, yet he is successful because of optimal use of List, Offer, and Timing.

Learnings: Dedupe a prospect list against current customers.  Do not mail a non-personalized solo mail package. Communicate with personalization and in an active, persuasive tone. Be consistent with use of numbers. Do not sell multiple items on one letter. Do not mail an offer for a low-interest category during the holiday shopping season.